What’s the purpose of today’s technology?
I met Giovanni last Wednesday. He has been working at the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore for 27 years. His white hair is only a facade. Giovanni is energetic as a young kid, his hands sharply accentuating his voice as he tells us the stories about the Basilica. Like the wood carvings that were covered most of the time of the year, only to be shown on special occasions (like 4 times a year)- the original version of a movie preview, he jokes.
But the story that struck the most was when we were at the top of the Basilica, in a secret room closed to tourists (we had a special tour arranged by CIID). There, in the middle, stood up a massive machine called Argano. Giacomo, a third of the height of the wheel, steps into Argano and walks. The wheel turns and as it does, it moves a rope that’s attached to a system of pulleys in the ceiling. This hidden machine, in the backend, allowed heavy materials to be moved across space and time to shape and make the Basilica.
““Technology is there to reduce the fatigue of humans. To help with labor and extend human capabilities” ”
“Technology is there to reduce the fatigue of humans. To help with labor and extend human capabilities” Giovanni said. Just like what Leonardo da Vinci said he remarks with a big smile on his face.
This machine in the backend helped build this impressive building. It’s a big old building, with tons of materials, complex shapes and enormous proportions. The character of the building evoques a sense of awe, of something bigger than any of us. You don’t have to be religious in order to feel this feeling. That’s the purpose of this building, that’s the purpose of the Basilica.
Today we talk about AI as this machine that builds buildings. The modern Argano. But it’s purpose is unclear. What are all of these complex systems and materials with immense proportions for? Where is it pointing towards? Are we less fatigued than before? To what end are we extending our own capabilities?