Provocations & Prototypes

Hector Ouilhet Olmos Hector Ouilhet Olmos

When was the last time time felt right?

Time isn’t absolute—it bends to how we spend it. In a world of distractions, we lose precious hours to shallow activities, leaving us anxious and unfulfilled; it’s time to reclaim every second for what truly matters.

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Hector Ouilhet Olmos Hector Ouilhet Olmos

When was the last time you shifted gears?

In today’s world of AI and algorithms, where even your feeds and feelings are on autopilot, it’s more important than ever to take control and steer your attention toward what truly matters. Ready to grind some gears in your life or career?

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Provocation Mer Ai Provocation Mer Ai

Pixelated Pathways to Creativity 

Cousins Hector and Freddy first discovered their creative passion when playing with Mario Paint on the summer of ‘93. 30 years later the newfound accessibility of genAI helped them recapture the direct, childlike joy of digital creation from their youth.

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Hector Ouilhet Olmos Hector Ouilhet Olmos

Job on my sleeve

Explore a thrilling journey from AI-induced fear to creative inspiration, as our protagonist grapples with the rapid advancement of AI, and eventually discovers the exciting possibilities it holds for their own work.

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Isaac Levine Isaac Levine

Podcast Harvesting

A solution for information overload during my morning runs. I developed a program that transforms screenshots of podcast timestamps into text transcriptions of that moment in the podcast. Now, intriguing moments are instantly saved and transformed into gateways for deeper exploration and easy sharing. Screenshots no longer hold mysteries but become valuable sources of knowledge.

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Hector Ouilhet Olmos Hector Ouilhet Olmos

The Little Prince vs the Utilitarian Philistine

Learn what’s easy and hard to achieve with LLMs while reading a short story about a young musician who defies a profit-driven tech executive by performing soulful music for his single audience member, a red rose. His authenticity eventually breaks the executive's power over the audience, highlighting the importance of art and aesthetics over utilitarianism.

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Provocation Hector Ouilhet Olmos Provocation Hector Ouilhet Olmos

Are we our bodies?

A childhood conversation with a priest about the afterlife resurfaces amidst the rise of GenAI tools. The sight of a disco robot jumping on the sand encapsulates the exhilarating yet overwhelming journey of seeking knowledge in a rapidly evolving world.

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Provocation Hector Ouilhet Olmos Provocation Hector Ouilhet Olmos

Things, meaningful things, and Home Depot

Generative AI tools are wild and free. They echo the Home Depot's secluded corner where power tools hum in invitation. Just as one might dare to wield a chainsaw, we too can harness the raw, untamed potential of artificial intelligence. Power up, plunge in, and pioneer into the uncharted.

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Provocation Hector Ouilhet Olmos Provocation Hector Ouilhet Olmos


FineTunePro promises to democratize AI fine-tuning, enabling users to harness the power of AI without extensive technical expertise. Pinky promise

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